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guidelines to protect and safe-orkut-profiles-security-tips
It is very important to save yours personal Information, If you have habit to store them in yours socialnetworking profiles Specially when it is yours Orkut Profiles , Invite FriendsHackers from many other fileds try to gain access to yours profiles.
1. Don’t share: keep your username, password and personal information secret and change your password regularly.
2. Don’t script: Never paste a URL or script into your browser while logged into — no matter what it claims to do. Don’t click on links in emails that claim to be from orkut or Gmail. Scan your computer regularly for viruses, spyware, and adware.
3. Don’t spread: Never enter your Google Account login and password on sites other than and other Google properties. Never check “remember me” when you’re on a shared computer.

If you want to learn more about staying safe on orkut, more tips are available in the orkut Privacy Security Center. Have a question about safety that isn’t posted orkut Help Group.

Taking care of all above points will not only make you a perfect Orkuters but also a dedicated social Networking users . So Remember Think Befor You Do.

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